CASTRO, FIDEL & G CIGARS brands originate from some of the best plantations of Nicaragua. These three premium brands are created by a group of friends, the owners of “G&G Tobacco”. They have dedicated their passion for cigars to produce a completed portfolio of handmade cigars that will represent with dignity the legendary name of Castro.
CASTRO, FIDEL & G CIGARS are entirely made from Nicaragua tobacco, grown in one of the most fertile lands in the world. The soils of these regions are perfect for filler-type tobacco, a much stronger filler with a much stronger character and taste.
To go through the process, it takes 40 days for a seed to grow into a four-inch-tall plant, big enough to go from the seedbed to the tobacco field. After three months in the field, the leaves are harvested, then put into tobacco barns for about two months to dry, or cure. (Temperature, humidity and rainfall can change the time needed at each step). After that the tobacco is brought to a warehouse, where it’s fermented. This crucial process removes the ammonia and other impurities in the tobacco that make it taste harsh and can take about one year to complete. Then the tobacco is aged, in the Castro, Fidel and G cigars case for two to three years. When the process is complete, the tobacco inside a cigar can be three and a half years old.
A go-to region for strong tobaccos due to its dark and nutrient-rich volcanic soil, Nicaragua is home to some of the most diverse cigar blends in the world. Tobacco from Nicaragua was widely considered to be the best in the world, before civil and guerilla war ravaged the country in the late 1970s and 80s. Considered even better than tobacco grown in Cuba’s legendary Vuelta Abajo, depending on whom you ask. Rumors were rampant that Cuba herself once used Nicaraguan wrappers on her cigars. Today’s Nicaraguan tobacco is very, very good -- perhaps not as good as in the past, but good enough so that the same rumors persist today.